We have been living in the trailer for 2 weeks now ... and love it ! It is so freeing to just have what you need, to be able to clean top to bottom in under 30 minutes, and have a little spot for all the necessities, and no more. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted .
I have been busy this last month instituting the Year of Less process at my business - selling off all the stock I can in a huge clearance sale, making way for a more streamlined on line type business with more time for kits and workshops. I want to make & help others make. Less stock, less paperwork, less stuff. More making, more creating, more enjoying.
But that has taken precedence. So after tomorrow, I will be done with the clearance and can spend my evenings and weekends purging the house. So much stuff will be going !! It feels so good to walk into a room, pick the 2 or 3 things that mean something to you, and then decide the rest can go. What a wonderful feeling !!
So the Great Purge of 2106 will commence in earnest this weekend. Excited to start that process.